The term “harsh parenting” refers to acts such as yelling, slapping, spanking, shoving, or assaulting the child with an item, as well as physical and verbal hostility against the child. Since emotions and aggression are perceived and controlled mentally, they are psychological phenomena. Emotions and aggression are mental reactions to dangerous situations.

Aggression can be either pro-active or retaliatory. Additionally, harsh parenting is characterized by rage, screaming, and cursing at a child, which can have a negative or positive effect on the child. The same psychological issue is typically conveyed to a child. In the classroom, kids share their newly acquired negative emotional reactions with others. Furthermore, children experience negative emotions as a result of harsh parenting. Psychological aggression in children can be brought on by rage, anger, and coldness.

When teenager’s have friend that are their support system they tend to turn to them for support when the parents are way too strict with them. A little support from their peers makes the teenager  have trust in their friends and turn to them for consoling. When friends become their shoulder to lean on this is a  indication of the negative relationship between teenagers and their parents.

Parenting practices may vary among cultures. Cultural variables have an impact on the typical relationships and interactions between parents and children. Asian parents place a greater emphasis on the development of family identity, a sense of belonging, parental respect, and the value of hard work and self-discipline, compared to Western parents, who pay considerable attention to their children’s independence and self-realization.

There may be cultural disparities in how these various parenting philosophies influence children’s development. The children of European Americans benefit from the authoritative style. With Asian-American children, though, this hasn’t always been the case e. Authoritarian parenting was favorably correlated with Chinese children’s grades in Hong Kong, according to one study.

Chinese families might be affected differently by harsh parenting than American families might be. The negative consequences of harsh parenting on Chinese children may be less severe than those observed in Western nations due to the universality of tough parenting in Chinese culture and its attribution style (the belief that parents are good for children).

Life satisfaction and strict parenting may be mediated by negative coping mechanisms. Children’s bad coping mechanisms are positively correlated with harsh parenting. Parents significantly influence the psychological and social development of children. Harsh parenting methods are used by parents who struggle to cope and control their emotions.

As a result, children who have experienced harsh parenting are unable to develop effective coping mechanisms and emotional regulation techniques. Additionally, they struggle to find solutions to their problems in life and are more likely to become overwhelmed by negative emotions when under stress.

Peer support presides over the bad relationship  of children with their parents when they  are strict to them. Social support, which includes peer support, lessens the negative effects of stressful events like strict parenting, decreases people’s perceptions of those events as threatening, and lessens people’s emotional and physiological reactions to those events. Social assistance additionally helps both physical and mental wellness.

According to research in order for the kids to have the opportunity to internalize self-discipline and responsibility they have to be raised in a very strict environment. Children tend to become rebellious and will not take any responsibility for themselves , when parents or guardians are too harsh.

In cases where children are raised with harsh parenting skills they learn that power is always on the right. The children will later in life not be able to make decisions on their own and rather be obedient to  people in authority and not question them when in real sense they should do so. This leads to irresponsibility and they will come up with excuses of following instructions from the authority.

As children  move to young adults they tend to be more rebellious and angry when they are raised with strict parenting styles. The children also become very good liars because they simply don’t want to get into trouble. When children are raised in such harsh atmospheres they end up fighting with their parents as they grow older because they lose interest in pleasing them and thus can not be controlled.

The children tend to seek love in the wrong places. Being too harsh with children does not work in creating the best well-behaved kids rather it crumbles everything positive that parents do to bring out the best in them for them to be disciplined. Where the environment is full of violence or other serious conditions the harsh parenting technique would be ideal if used to keep the children out of life-threatening situations at all costs.

Children who become overwhelmed during tense interactions with their parents have problems later on as they mature. In homes, the parents have well set boundaries for their children dictating what they should and how they should do it. When the children get to the adolescence stage they become more independent have learned to to take control of their emotions and are in a position to make their own decisions.



As much as rebellion sounds negative parents should take it as a very important part of a Childs  development. Parents should ensure that the Childs behavior is controlled and does not get out of control as some may be dangerous if not addressed .It is quite a normal occurrence in teenagers  for them to rebel as this is normal for them to work and establish an identity from parents or other family members and also be able to make decisions on their own.

During this stage of making an identity, the teenagers may experiment with a couple of roles. ideas or behaviors. A study by psychology has found that rebellion in teenagers could be a result of race, culture, and social class although some psychologists tend to disagree on the same.

When teenagers get to the adolescence stage they often start to  challenge the authority of their guardians or parents. s the teenager may engage in behaviors that are seen as rebellious or defiant and this becomes a difficult time for both the parents and the teenager.

While many factors contribute to teenage rebellion, there are a few common reasons why teenagers may rebel against their parents.

  1. Teenagers develop the urge for independence and may want to rebel to let their parents know that they do not want to depend on them entirely in decision-making in some matters. Independence in teenagers may result in behaviors such as disobeying rules, staying out late, or experimenting with drugs or alcohol.
  2. Peer pressure is also another cause of teenage rebellion as they are greatly influenced by their peers and this could lead to them getting involved in behaviors meant to make them fit in or gain acceptance from friends.
  3. Communication breakdown: As teenagers become more independent, they may feel that their parents don’t understand them or that their parents are not listening to them. This can lead to frustration and resentment, which can lead to rebellious behavior.
  4.  Hormonal changes during adolescence can contribute to mood swings, impulsivity, and other behaviors that may be seen as rebellious.
  5. If a parent is overly strict or controlling, a teenager may rebel to assert their independence. On the other hand, if a parent is too permissive, a teenager may rebel to gain attention or to test boundaries.

During adolescent development teenagers rebel and parents need to understand that it is a normal stage in growing. Parents need to be very clear with the boundaries and expectations’ they set for their teenagers. They should also allow them to have some independence. Effective communication, empathy, and understanding can also help parents and teenagers navigate this challenging time in their lives.

As teenagers begin to develop their independence it brings with it a set of whole challenges as they continuously rebel against their parent’s desires. Things like drug abuse unsafe sex, and drunk driving are some of the things parents worry about when they have teenagers and find it difficult to deal with their rebellious behaviors.

when teenagers are in adolescence and parents are not able to control them, they should not give up on then  but keep on  encouraging them and pushing them to change their behavior. In due time this stage sorts itself out and parents should be aware of that. Parents should find ways connect to with them and be more understanding to their children.

During the adolescent stages, teenagers’ brain undergoes many changes and it is usually a critical period of development for them. Their bodies flood with new hormones that find their way into a high school environment and try to develop a sense of recognition outside the structures of the family and this is usually a lot for the teenagers to grasp.

Many teenagers will undergo a period of rebellion as a result. Most of them show an increase in aggression, and arguing, and sometimes exhibit an attitude of not caring at all or mood swings. Peer influence at the same time as they will engage in more risk-taking lengths to blend in with their friends. Parents should get involved in their teenager’s lives by establishing a good relationship with them.

A relationship that is understanding, trusting, open, and loving means that a teenager will be free to be with their parents when they encounter problems and parents will guide them accordingly with a lot of love and care.




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